Love Your Food, Love Yourself, Love Your Life

50. 3 things that contribute to health far more than food & exercise

Tammy Lantz

I'm sure you've heard all of the lies telling you that eating the right foods, moving your body enough, and controlling your weight will create health. Yes, that's right, those are lies. Health is far more complex than these 3 aspects! Believing these widespread lies keeps you trapped in a diet culture mentality by implying that your body (and therefore you) are a problem to be fixed. You are not a problem! Today, I'm talking about what health truly is, and 3 things that are far more important for your health than food, exercise, and weight. 


Loving the podcast? 

You are not alone! If you’re like most women, this podcast will kick off your journey and give you valuable insights, but you’ll probably find yourself wanting even deeper support and transformation, totally understandable! Here is how to find what you are looking for… 

Join the free Mindful & Intuitive Eating for Woman facebook group

Get a copy of YOUR Intuitive Life Journal 

Join the UPLIFT Community Membership

Want even more support? Apply to be a part of an intimate, one of a kind, food and body transformational program. The signature Peace with Food & Soul Program® was designed with you in mind by the CEO of my sister company, Beth Basham. It will allow you to not only throw the scale out the window but become the master of your emotions, and move you past the mental chatter that never stops. This is an exclusive experience for those serious about transforming their relationship to food & body, and it’s only offered to those that qualify. Apply here to hold your spot in this limited space program.


Instagram: @your_essential_rd


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Much love to you and thank you!

The Love Your Food, Love Yourself, Love Your Life Podcast is produced by Julia Levine Productions.