Love Your Food, Love Yourself, Love Your Life

53. How Diana learned Peace with Food comes from being at Peace with her Body Part 2

July 20, 2022 Tammy Lantz

Peace with Food and Soul™ alumni, Diana Martin, had more on her heart to share so she’s back to expand on her previous interview! Today, Diana specifically dives into how she no longer feels controlled by food but rather can connect to gentle nutrition through tuning into her body. As well, she talks about how she broke her obsession of being worried about what others think. Now, she is deeply kind to not only herself, but all those around her, with use of the variety of tools and coaches in the Peace with Food & Soul Program™.

Note: I apologize for the audio hiccups within this episode. I chose not to re-record in order to maintain the authenticity of the interview. Thank you for understanding! 

If you’re inspired by Diana’s transformation, apply to be a part of this intimate, one of a kind, food and body transformational program. The signature Peace with Food & Soul Program™ was designed with you in mind by the CEO of my sister company, Beth Basham. It will allow you to not only throw the scale out the window but become the master of your emotions, and move you past the mental chatter that never stops. This is an exclusive experience for those serious about transforming their relationship to food & body, and it’s only offered to those that qualify. Apply here to hold your spot in this limited space program.


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The Love Your Food, Love Yourself, Love Your Life Podcast is produced by Julia Levine Productions